Just Walk 2013

    In the new year of 2013, the phenomenal fundraising force of Greg McKeague, started putting together a team to take part in the 2013 'Just Walk' challenge. This was the second year Greg had led a Reverse Rett team, covering 60kms of the South

Asda Bag-Packing

Spending a day packing strangers' bags in an overcrowded supermarket four weeks before Christmas didn't sound particularly appealing when it was first suggested to me in 2014 by our lovely local Asda charity manager. However, it did sound like it might raise some money and

Hypnosis for Hannah

          In early 2012, some friends of ours got talking to a local resident and  Harley Street hypotherapist called John Mill, who was looking for a cause to support through his work. They told him about Hannah and suggested he give me a call. He

Canterbury Coffee Mornings

Being the grandparent of a child with Rett Syndrome comes with its own particular heartbreak, frustration and sense of helplessness. Grandparents can feel a double sense of sorrow as they watch both their granddaughter and also their son/daughter and other grandchildren struggling with the diagnosis

Clothes and Toys Sale

Like many parents of small children, we have accumulated rather a lot of 'stuff' over the last 7 years, most of which we have moved from country to country and house to house, loft to loft. In 2012 I decided that it was

Butterflies and Blues Concert

  In May 2013 some friends and neighbours of Gill (Hannah's Grandma) decided to get together and stage a unique evening of blues music and butterflies expertise! An unlikely and rather bizarre sounding combination, yes, but the minds behind the madness were highly talented musicians