Werner’s 400 mile cycle

Vincent's step-father and Hannah's American 'Opa', Werner Beck, joined the #themidlifecrisischallenge by deciding to cycle 400 miles by March 2015. Unlike Vincent, he has been actually cycling outside, around his local community in Florida. Werner has now completed his almighty cycling challenge and has raised

Heather’s Half Marathon

Vincent's wonderful boss and director of International Development at the Salvation Army, Heather Poxon, has challenged herself to run the St Albans half marathon on 14th June 2015. Heather originally intended to do a 5km run, but she unwittingly signed up for the half marathon instead

Emily’s Losing 40lbs!

Our lovely friend and ongoing supporter, Emily Hodge, has joined the Mid-Life Crisis Challenge's '40' theme, and set herself the almighty challenge of losing 40lbs! She has made an incredible start already, has lost 10lbs in the first month alone, and is doing a great

Simon Langton Girls’ School

Twenty years ago, I was in the sixth form of Simon Langton Girls' School and was proud to be one of two Heads of Charity, responsible for choosing and promoting charities and organising fundraisers for our school's chosen groups. Little did I

Kent College Secondary School

Last year, my somewhat relentless mum wrote to every secondary school in the Canterbury area to pitch for their support of Reverse Rett. My own connection with Kent College goes back to my school days, when I regularly played against their sports teams, and then

Sanders’ Quiz Nights

I think we all have people in our lives whom we call 'aunty', even though they're not really our aunty. One of my mum's oldest friends, Gill, is one of those people, and in the last four years she has also been one of our