Rhea Paints for Rett

IMG_6167     In 2014, one of our biggest, most talented, yet youngest supporters, became 8 year old Rhea, who heard about Rett Syndrome and Hannah through her school’s fundraising and decided to take up the challenge personally. Rhea is a really talented artist, so with the support of her parents, she set herself the task of painting 100 unique canvases in just three months, to be sold at a local summer fair. She also set up a justgiving page to receive sponsorship for this almighty task.

Rhea far exceeded her initial challenge, as her paintings started selling out far before the actual fair and she had to continually re-stock! Every painting was entirely her own work, and no two paintings were the same. I was privileged to go along to two fairs to help sell Rhea’s paintings with her parents and brother, and we were thrilled to be able to introduce Hannah and Rhea to each other as well. We are the proud owners of two of Rhea’s beautiful paintings which now hang in our kitchen 🙂

Rhea raised an astonishing £3700 with her artwork, as well as raising a great deal of awareness.

IMG_5992Huge thanks to Rhea, her school and her family, we think you’re amazing and inspiring. If you’d like to see more of Rhea’s paintings, or would like to donate to her page, please visit:




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